Fire Emblem – Thracia 776 (review)

Platform: Super Famicom
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year: 1999
Players: 1


Thracia 776 is Fire Emblem’s 5th entry in the series and the last one with the designs of zen Shouzou Kaga. It is also the penultimate Japan-only release and the last Fire Emblem released for Super Famicom. The game follows Geneaolgy’s plot but it’s considered a midquel rather than a sequel or prequel. Although there are common characters and context, there is a very interesting twist in the gameplay.


This entry breaks some FE4’s mechanics and brings a whole new, fresh challenge. Thracia’s style is yet another twist to the traditional TRPG, so it is charged with many exclusive and cool features. For example, the goal of each map moves from the ‘seize all castles’ objetive to a situation where each level requires its own tasks to complete the mission.
This game is considered by many players, the hardest of all the FE series. And there are many reasons why this claim can be considered a fact. First of all, there’s no arena in every map to grind. Instead, only some levels include this and if an ally loses, he/she dies. Then, map designs become really harsher, with many tough bosses, reinforcements everywhere and the enemy uses long-range attacks frequently with ballistas or magic. Recovery staffs may fail if skill is low. The only means to earn gold are to win at the arena or to steal an enemy’s weapon and then sell it. The weapons break quickly and ally units may get fatigued, so this feature may prevent them to deploy them in the next map. Sometimes it’s difficult to get good weapons or rare items and it’s often a challenge to recruit good soldiers. A new feature is the scroll, an item used to alter an ally growth so his/her stats increase according to the scroll effects. There are many scrolls spread across the game and some of them are difficult to get.
Despite Thracia is based on Genealogy’s context, only one character can use a holy weapon, and everyone else is limited to regular weapons. This game also drops the tradition of depending on a strong paladin from the begining to defeat tough enemies.
Thracia used for the first time the combat manuals, a cool feature used many years later in entries like Path Of Radiance or Radiant Dawn. These manuals allow a unit to learn a new skill, and skills are similar to the ones introduced in Genealogy.
Everything in this game is designed to be a harsh challenge, it requires to develop complex strategies in order to fullfil every objective and advance without losing our valuable allies.

Story (No Spoilers)

The plot takes place in the year 776, so most of the world is already conquered by Grannvale Empire and there are only a few resistance groups to fight back. However, this troops are easily defeated and the Empire’s power and reach is growing. In the east, the South Kingdom Of Thracia is already conquered and this fate is shared by other eastern countries as well, including Leonser, Alster, Manster and Connaugh.
Our heroes are barely escaping the Empire’s squads, and the story begins when they reach the village of Fianna. This time, the protagonist is Leif, prince of Leonster, son of Quan and Ethlyn. He is always protected by Finn, a loyal knight who served Leif’s father, and Eyvel, leader of Fianna’s freeblades, a group of mercenaries.


The OST doesn’t bring that epic-orchesrated tunes as shown in Genealogy but instead, it’s full of some addictive melodies that match perfectly the fray. I’m leaving a video for example purposes. To be honest I listen to this cool tracks every now and then, I really love them.


Graphics are nearby the results of Genealogy but they include less special effects in combat animations. Still, the presentation layer is quite good to display both outdoors and indoors maps, and the menu interfaces are neat enough to provide a good experience. Character designs also look good and convincing.
So, overall, the visual elements fulfil my expectations for a Super Famicom game.


This game must be played by every FE fan and the recommendation is extended for hardcore RPG players who look for a real challenge. Thracia 776 brings together a lot of cool strategic elements with solid map designs, an interesting plot and enjoyable music soundtracks.

Play this masterpiece here.

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