Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem – Notes about Maniac mode

After clearing Hard a couple of times, I decided to try Maniac instead, and checked for myself a new level of challenge. Thus I have learned this mode has a lot of meaningful changes, and this causes immediate consequences on how we proceed on each map.

So I’ll explain everything at detail about what I’ve found:

-Some units become fully benchable, useless. Units who were weak or underleveled on Hard continue to be this way (of course) here. But this time, the set is extended with more people who just don’t help at all on the battlefield. Non promoted late recruits like Maris and Athena are not needed but get in the way. And investment can’t be done on them because this mode is all about focusing on helping our core group.
Bantu couldn’t tank anything on Hard, much less on this mode. But Draugh, Macellan, Dolph, Sheena and Horace have the same flaw now, becoming completely helpless. All of them get doubled by any enemy. And the enemies have high strength this time which renders all armored soldiers useless.
Early cavaliers become benchable later, because neither of their stats go that high to become effective, and this mode is all about getting the upper hand with more Speed/Strengh/Skill.

-Arran is actually needed on the first chapters, he is very helpful on the first battles because his stats are above the enemy and equips Silver Lance. However, it’s clear he won’t make it to the half of the game, because at that point, most of our team is promoted and they surpass him. While this may be obvious, it’s still worth pointing it out because we can bench him on easier modes without a problem (but not this time).

-A lot of chapters, and specially at the beginning, are about taking a defensive stance rather than taking the initiative. This means, we can’t just charge at the enemy like before, we need a defensive formation then beat them on the next turn. And this is a big change compared to hard mode.

-We need to pick and build our avatar unit strategically considering stat caps, weapons and the fact this mode requires high Spd to survive and fight back correctly. I picked a Peg Knight which in turn promoted to Falcon Knight, and she quickly became an MVP. However, I believe Myrmidon, Mercenary and Fighter are all nice choices too.

-Silence staff doesn’t exist anymore and it’s replaced by a Recover staff on the chapter where it appeared. So, forget about spamming it at the Dragon’s altar and prepare a different strategy.

-It’s fully recommended to improve Tiki’s stats through boosters and the Drill Grounds. With the right investment she can destroy any dragon in just one round, which gives us the upper hand on the last maps.

-Reclassing makes more sense than ever and it succesfully increases some stats and solves problems. It’s recommended to change Ogma to Myrmidon because he gets more Spd/Skll, which means more quick criticals (we just lose the Axes, but he still has decent defense/HP).
Or we can reclass Palla to Paladin if there are many archers.

-To get the upper hand against Gharnef, you better give all Spirit Dusts and some Talismans to your best mage, don’t waste them or distribute them across the team.

-Hardin can’t be doubled by anyone, so I applied the same strategy from Hard and it worked like a charm: I equipped Palla with Brave Axe and helped her with Again staff. She gets the job done but you can switch her for your best axe fighter and they will prevail.

-Save at least 2 or 3 uses of Again staves for the last battle against Medeus. Or save at least 1 use of Hammerne to repair an Again staff. This is really needed because he can’t be doubled by anyone, and the Falchion is the only weapon that applies meaningful damage on him.

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