My own SRPG tier

Strategy RPG is my favorite game genre and I’ve been having a great time with all these games.
So I decided to rank all my favorite SRPGs based on this criteria:

1.- First of all, combat system aspects including map design, difficulty design, level of unit customization, objective variety, incentives to get victory as fast as we could, risk-reward frameworks, fun side objectives, real army management, last but not least: original battle mechanics.

2.- Everything related to the story: quality of the script, character development, world building, pace, dialogues, depth, narrative style, beginning, climax and ending.

3.- Artistic features including music, world art, character art.

4.- Visual related works including UI, sprites, 3D models, combat animations.

I’ve played more than that but I need to play even more games. This tier only shows my favorites instead of every SRPG I’ve beaten. It is not meant to be a comprehensive must play strategy games or anything like that. It’s only my structured recommendation.
And by the way, I already reviewed some of these games here, so feel free to read about them for more detail.

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