Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem – Notes about Maniac mode

After clearing Hard a couple of times, I decided to try Maniac instead, and checked for myself a new level of challenge. Thus I have learned this mode has a lot of meaningful changes, and this causes immediate consequences on how we proceed on each map.

So I’ll explain everything at detail about what I’ve found:

-Some units become fully benchable, useless. Units who were weak or underleveled on Hard continue to be this way (of course) here. But this time, the set is extended with more people who just don’t help at all on the battlefield. Non promoted late recruits like Maris and Athena are not needed but get in the way. And investment can’t be done on them because this mode is all about focusing on helping our core group.
Bantu couldn’t tank anything on Hard, much less on this mode. But Draugh, Macellan, Dolph, Sheena and Horace have the same flaw now, becoming completely helpless. All of them get doubled by any enemy. And the enemies have high strength this time which renders all armored soldiers useless.
Early cavaliers become benchable later, because neither of their stats go that high to become effective, and this mode is all about getting the upper hand with more Speed/Strengh/Skill.

-Arran is actually needed on the first chapters, he is very helpful on the first battles because his stats are above the enemy and equips Silver Lance. However, it’s clear he won’t make it to the half of the game, because at that point, most of our team is promoted and they surpass him. While this may be obvious, it’s still worth pointing it out because we can bench him on easier modes without a problem (but not this time).

-A lot of chapters, and specially at the beginning, are about taking a defensive stance rather than taking the initiative. This means, we can’t just charge at the enemy like before, we need a defensive formation then beat them on the next turn. And this is a big change compared to hard mode.

-We need to pick and build our avatar unit strategically considering stat caps, weapons and the fact this mode requires high Spd to survive and fight back correctly. I picked a Peg Knight which in turn promoted to Falcon Knight, and she quickly became an MVP. However, I believe Myrmidon, Mercenary and Fighter are all nice choices too.

-Silence staff doesn’t exist anymore and it’s replaced by a Recover staff on the chapter where it appeared. So, forget about spamming it at the Dragon’s altar and prepare a different strategy.

-It’s fully recommended to improve Tiki’s stats through boosters and the Drill Grounds. With the right investment she can destroy any dragon in just one round, which gives us the upper hand on the last maps.

-Reclassing makes more sense than ever and it succesfully increases some stats and solves problems. It’s recommended to change Ogma to Myrmidon because he gets more Spd/Skll, which means more quick criticals (we just lose the Axes, but he still has decent defense/HP).
Or we can reclass Palla to Paladin if there are many archers.

-To get the upper hand against Gharnef, you better give all Spirit Dusts and some Talismans to your best mage, don’t waste them or distribute them across the team.

-Hardin can’t be doubled by anyone, so I applied the same strategy from Hard and it worked like a charm: I equipped Palla with Brave Axe and helped her with Again staff. She gets the job done but you can switch her for your best axe fighter and they will prevail.

-Save at least 2 or 3 uses of Again staves for the last battle against Medeus. Or save at least 1 use of Hammerne to repair an Again staff. This is really needed because he can’t be doubled by anyone, and the Falchion is the only weapon that applies meaningful damage on him.

Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow (review)

Platform: Nintendo DS
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year: 2010

Fire Emblem was not a popular franchise on the 00’s era, in fact, at the end of that decade, it lost a lot of interest from the players. All Path of Radiance (2005), Radiant Dawn (2007) and Shadow Dragon (2009) had too low sales, only around half million of copies each. This outcome caused a logical decision from Nintendo, the next entry remained as a Japan-only release to save them all the work and money required for an international localization. So, unfortunately, New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow never launched on the west, and an opportunity to play the second half of Archanea saga was lost again.

Considering Shadow Dragon’s low sales and mixed ratings (due to all its flaws) and the fact that New Mystery remained as JP-only game, a natural consequence is that most players just don’t care about Marth games, and they skip them to play the popular entries in the franchise. Thus, Archanea saga is commonly underrated, under played and not even mentioned as a reference by the players.

However, this text tries to explain how New Mystery had that much success but not in terms of sales, but on the actual gameplay, story, presentation layer and music. In other words, the game’s popularity is just inversely proportional compared to the actual results obtained from it, as a DS enternainment product.

Mystery of the Emblem (1993) was a game released on Super Famicom which worked as a remake and sequel to the original Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (1990). It has most maps from the first game but extends the story through a new adventure called Book 2: War of Heroes. It’s accurate to say New Mystery is a remake from this Book 2 instead of the full game, because the first Book is already remade on Shadow Dragon.

War of Heroes continues the plot after the first war, which ended with Dolhr’s empire defeat and Archanea’s kingdom victory. On this remake, Book 2 is extended to provide additiontal chapters which don’t harm or interrupt the original script. They actually improve it with brand new maps which are fun to play and new characters also show up.
New Mystery introduced for the first time a playable avatar character, which can be customized at some depth and they are meant to represent the player (a self-insert). This new character (the canon name is Kris) joins Marth as a knight from the royal guard, and the prologue tells the tale about his training on Altea castle to be approved as an official knight.
When the prologue ends, the actual story from Book 2 begins. Marth receives a letter from emperor Hardin, asking for assistance to address a conflict on Grust. It is under attack by a rebel group but, however, they discover there is more than that…

The character set is extended with brand new enemies whose goal is to kill Marth, and they will show up throughout the journey, but the new chapters don’t change any important facts from the original script.
So, overall, the story is faithful to the original content, and considering the main script is very old, it still aged well and worked as a big influence to later FE games.
Besides, this time we’ll get more background and thoughts about our heroes thanks to the implementation of supports, which didn’t exist on the original software.

New Mystery didn’t stop at the story expansion because it’s actual highlights are a lot of improvements on the gameplay aspect. In fact, most flaws from both Mystery of the Emblem and Shadow Dragon are gone here, to provide a better experience and lift the Archanea flag to the top.

This is a summary of improvements, compared to the original Mystery:

-Weapon triangle exists, changing tactics for the better.
-Axe fighters are recruitable.
-The chracer roster is so much bigger, allowing to try Ironman mode or going to higher difficulty modes.
-Fortunately, force dismounting is gone, it was an annoying mechanic which debuffed all cavaliers and flying allies while they fight on indoors. This mechanic also reduced their movement and blocked them from using any weapon except swords.
-More playable maps and meaningful improvements to the original ones.
-4 levels of difficulty exist, which go from Normal to Lunatic.
-Chronicles mode is included, and it has all 4 maps from BS FE but fully remade.
-DLC and wireless functions exist.
-Reclassing introduced on Shadow Dragon is back, to provide a more versatile team and freely adjust them to any situation and map.
-A base exists, which has these new functions: training (Drill grounds), events (How’s everyone), supports (Talk), purchasing weapons (Armory).
-Better art, sprites and combat animations.

Improvements compared to Shadow Dragon:

-No chapter requires to lose an ally to be unlocked.
-Better maps.
-More content, both on the main story and beyond.
-Better and more interesting plot.
-Better UI and art.
-Better difficulty design.

Given the previous analysis, I don’t have any doubt that this game is the ultimate and definitive Archanea experience.
Unfortunately, it still has some of the Shadow Dragon’s flaws, like the lack of many modern game mechanics shown on recent Fire Emblem entries.
Despite these flaws, I still consider this is the best Marth game and the correct way to create a FE remake.

It’s valid to claim that New Mystery has aged well, providing better gameplay experiences than any previous Marth game. And considering the combat system is not too advanced compared to another entries, it still requires a lot of tactics, specially if it’s played on Maniac or Lunatic modes. Finally, New Mystery also comes with assets when it comes to the music, art, combat animations, UI, sprites, etc, which are all exceptional.
Score: 9.0

Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow (reseña)

Plataforma: Nintendo DS
Desarrollador: Intelligent Systems
Publicador: Nintendo
Año: 2010

Fire Emblem no era una franquicia popular en la primer década del siglo XXI, y de hecho, al final de dicha década, perdió aún más el interés de los jugadores, lo cual quedó reflejado en las malas ventas de Path of Radiance (2005), Radiant Dawn (2007) y Shadow Dragon (2009). Dichos juegos vendieron apenas alrededor del medio millón de copias cada uno, lo cual es, desde luego, un mal resultado. Considerando el contexto, el desenlace lógico fue que tanto Intelligent Systems y Nintendo decidieron que el siguiente juego, New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow (2010), se quedara como exclusivo de Japón. Dicha decisión les ahorró bastante dinero y trabajo, pero por otro lado, dejó un vacío de continuidad en occidente y se perdió por completo, la oportunidad de disfrutar un videojuego que en su día era también exclusivo de Japón (Mystery of the Emblem).

Las bajas ventas de Shadow Dragon, aunado a todas sus fallas, y el hecho de que New Mystery fuera exclusivo de Japón, provocaron que los juegos que tienen a Marth como protagonista quedaran con una reputación baja y que por tanto, hayan sido comúnmente olvidados y poco apreciados en América.

No obstante, este texto pretende explicar como es que New Mystery tuvo tanto éxito pero no en números o en popularidad, pero sí en narrativa, gameplay, música y contenido. En otras palabras, las carencias de esta entrada son inversamente proporcionales al verdadero resultado obtenido como un producto de entretenimiento en DS.

Mystery of the Emblem (1993) fue un juego lanzado en Super Famicom que funciona como una especie de remake y a la vez, secuela de Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (1990). Contiene la mayoría de los mapas jugables del primer título pero expande la historia por medio de una nueva aventura, llamada Book 2: War of Heroes. Es preciso decir que New Mystery es un remake del Book 2 y que por tanto no incluye nada del Book 1, el cual quedó plasmado en el remake Shadow Dragon.

El Book 2 es una continuación a los eventos tras la guerra contra el imperio de Dolhr, cuyo desenlace fue la victoria del reino de Archanea y la derrota del dragón oscuro Medeus. En este remake, el Book 2 se extiende para narrar capítulos adicionales que no impactan ni dañan la trama original, sino que de hecho, la mejoran para presentar nuevos personajes y buenos diseños de nivel completamente nuevos.
New Mystery introdujo por primera vez la idea de tener un personaje avatar personalizable que representa al jugador, y dicho personaje entra en la historia como un miembro de la guardia real. Kris es el nombre canon de dicho guardia, y el prólogo del juego es acerca de su llegada al castillo de Altea para intentar posicionarse dentro del equipo de Marth.
Al final del prólogo, Marth recibe instrucciones por parte del emperador de Archanea, Hardin, para detener una reciente revuelta en Grust. Y es allí donde comienza la verdadera aventura de Marth y Kris, los cuales enfrentarán una serie de desafíos antes de llevar la guerra a su fin.
Además de la inclusión de Kris, la historia se extiende con nuevos enemigos misterioros cuyo plan es asesinar a Marth, y ellos aparecerán en varias ocasiones durante el viaje, pero sin interrumpir o dañar los eventos originales de Mystery of the Emblem.
En general, en cuanto a trama, el juego es bastante fiel con el contenido original, y considerando que el guión es antiguo, ha envejecido bastante bien y ha servido para inspirar otras historias dentro y fuera de Fire Emblem. Además, el juego añade los supports para conocer un poco más a los héroes, y al llegar al máximo rango de support entre personajes, se obtienen ítems que permiten mejorar stats durante un capítulo.

New Mystery no mejoró únicamente la trama del juego original, sino que donde verdaderamente marcó diferencias positivas, fue en todo el apartado del gameplay. De hecho, la mayoría de las fallas contenidas tanto en Mystery como en Shadow Dragon fueron eliminadas aquí, todo con la finalidad de proveer una mejor experiencia de juego y subir en alto la bandera de la saga de Archanea.

Este es el resumen de mejoras, comparado con Mystery of the Emblem:

-Existe el triángulo de armas, lo cual favorece un combate más estratégico.
-Ya se pueden reclutar aliados que utilizan hacha.
-El roster es mucho más grande, lo cual facilita jugar en Ironman mode o bien para probar los modos más difíciles.
-No existe más el force dismounting, una molesta y mal implementada mecánica donde todos los jinetes o soldados voladores quedaban restringidos en cuanto a movilidad, decrementaban sus stats y quedaban castigados a solo usar espada cuando entraban en terreno interno (castillos, fortalezas, etc).
-Más mapas jugables, y mejoras significativas en algunos de los mapas ya existentes.
-Existen 4 niveles de dificultad, que van desde Normal hasta Lunatic.
-Se incluye un Chronicles mode, el cual contiene todos los mapas de BS FE (Akaneia Senki), y funciona como un remake de dichos mapas.
-Existe DLC y funciones wirreless.
-El reclassing introducido exitosamente en Shadow Dragon regresa, para flexibilizar las batallas y tener un equipo versátil y acorde a la situación.
-Existe una base antes de jugar cada mapa, la cual permite diversas funciones como entrenar (Drill Grounds), gestionar inventario (Inventory), comprar/mejorar armas (Armory), hablar con aliados (Talk), revisar eventos (How’s everyone) y más.
-Mejor UI, arte, animaciones de combate y sprites.

Estas son las mejoras comparadas con Shadow Dragon:

-Ningún capítulo se desbloquea a partir de perder aliados.
-Se cuentan con mapas de batalla significativamente mejores.
-Bastante más contenido.
-Mejor y más interesante historia.
–Mejor UI y arte.

Dados los resúmenes de características, no me cabe ninguna duda que New Mystery es por mucho, el mejor juego de Archanea.
No obstante, y desafortunadamente, comparte algunos de los problemas y limitantes de Shadow Dragon, como el hecho de dejar fuera muchas propiedades que estuvieron presentes en los juegos recientes.
Aún así, sigo considerando que este es también, el mejor remake de Fire Emblem creado a la fecha, y que ojalá y hubiese sido localizado en su tiempo, lo cual hoy ya es prácticamente imposible.


Es justo y lógico decir que New Mystery es un juego que a pesar de los años, ha logrado envejecer muy bien, y que provee experiencias mucho mejores que cualquier otro título de Marth. Y a pesar de que el sistema de combate no logra ser tan avanzado como otras entradas, de todos modos sigue implicando mucho análisis y estrategia, y sobre todo si se intentan los modos más difíciles. Finalmente, no cabe duda que también cumple y muy bien en cuanto a música y presentación, pues la UI, sprites, animaciones de combate y arte también son fenomenales y excepcionales.
Calificación: 9.0

Fire Emblem – Download all FE3, FE4 and FE5 roms here

If you like any SRPG then I don’t find a single good reason to avoid all these three great games from the past. They were never localized but of course they are worth playing.

I’m giving you the download links for english patched, translated roms.

Fire Emblem / Mystery of the Emblem

Fire Emblem / Genealogy of the Holy War

Fire Emblem / Thracia 776

Where to play them?

>SNES9x on your PC:

>Successfully modded consoles (3DS, Wii, Switch, etc), they might work there as well

>Retron 5 console (they run like a charm here)

For a better experience, I suggest to play Genealogy before Thracia 776. And if you missed my reviews about them, you can read about them here:


Thracia 776: